Social Action in Biddulph
Biddulph Methodists make a difference in the world, locally and globally. Here are a few of the things they do. Watch the Biddulph Events list for details
Friday Coffee Morning & Charity Market
The Social hub of the church raises funds for a number of Charities principally Christian Aid and to support the work undertaken in the Victoria Centre
Christian Aid
One of the main Charities supported by the Church is Christian Aid |
Food Bank
The Church is a collection point for the Stoke on Trent Food Bank there will be a distribution centre at the Catholic Church in the near future, details an be obtained from the Church office.
Victoria Lunch Club
Meets each Monday. Run in conjunction with MHA. Everyone welcome. For more details contact the Church Office.
Community Gospel Choir
Do you enjoy singing? Want to join a fun Choir then this could be for you come along on a Friday evening at 7.00 and meet lots of new friends
International Blanket Knitting
We have sent over a 1000 knitted blankets to the women's refuge in Dunkirk. If you want to know more and join in please contact Sue Millard
House Groups
There are a number of House groups which you would be very welcome to join. Some do Bible study others explore faith. If you want to know more speak to a steward
Dementia Voices
The Church, in association with Approach, runs an activity for Sufferers of Dementia and their Carers based around music. Approach also run a weekly group on a Wednesday morning. If you want to know more contact the Church Office.
Film Club
On the last Tuesday in the Month we show an up to date film on the Big Screen. Copyright restrictions mean we cannot advertise teh details of the film.
It is a free event, Ice creams cost 75p
Biddulph Festival
The Church is pleased to support the Festival, hosting many events. Look at the Biddulph Events for more information
Loved Ones in Care (LINC)
This is a group run by the church for people who are coming to terms with a loved one who has gone into care. It runs on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. It is supported by the National Lottery and the Social Prescribers.
Chair Based exercise
Wednesday's 2.30 - 3.30pm followed by tea and chat. Great social time. Contact the Church Office for more details.