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  Queen's Platinum Jubilee Beacon Lighting

As part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Beacon Lighting, Lower Withington Methodist Church had a Bonfire Beacon on Thursday 2nd June at 9:45pm.  The Choir and Brass Band performed together for the first time after signing up to sing the specially written Commonwealth Song “A Life Lived with Grace”.

This has allowed Lower Withington Methodist Church to continue with the tradition of singers being accompanied with musical instruments.  This dates back to 1856 (1870 in most 20th century reports), where at a Methodist missionary meeting in 1870 there was an appeal made for money.  In response to this, several young men agreed to go around the villages carol singing over Christmas, as the years went by musical instruments were introduced to lead the singing raising money for the Methodist Missionary Society.  Today the Brass Band continues this tradition of playing carols around the village at Christmas and so it was really special to join with the choir at this special event to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

You can hear and watch our Bonfire Beacon via the Commonwealth Resound YouTube channel by clicking on the link below:


 Dane-Trent on-line church services pastoral letters from Revd Yvonne on-line support for worship and prayer rethinking what church should become

Our Church is currently OPEN for Worship on a Sunday and for our Church groups.

Church minister Revd Nic Langton-Miller

Lower Withington is a thriving & caring community and everyone is welcome to join our Sunday Worship.

Lower Withington Church

See our Church Services for more information, this will also show our special Services held during the year.

                 Flower Festival  1908 Picture of Chapel

If you would like to find out more about:
- regular activities held in the Church click here 
- news articles click here

- the history of the Church click here 
- the
village of Lower Withington click here
- how to get to the Church click here 
our accessibility at the Church click here 

To get a better idea of what goes on, have a browse through our gallery of photos of life at the church.

        Inside ChurchtestV2 Signpost  Outside Church 3

Lower Withington Methodist Church was built in 1808 and opened on Easter Sunday. 

The brass band continues with the tradition that started in 1856 playing Carols through the village on the Monday night before Christmas, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day morning.

The minister, local vicar and their congregations meet:
- on a local farm on Rogation Sunday to bless the livestock and crops
- at the Parish Hall for the village Carol Service.

Lower Withington Events

Awaiting event entry

Coming up soon . . .

Saturday 8 Feb 7.30pm
Houghton Weavers in Concert at Key Green
Wednesday 19 Feb 7.30pm
Advanced Safeguarding Training (by Zoom)
Saturday 15 Mar 7.30pm
Audley Male Voice Choir Concert at Trinity
Saturday 29 Mar 9.15am
Christian Aid Walk at Tittesworth 2025
Tuesday 8 Apr 7.30pm - Saturday 12 Apr
Trinity Operatic: Into the Woods