Goostrey PO opening by Revd Yvonne PearsonWhat a momentous day we had on Monday the 1st of July, with the dedication service and celebrations as the Sub Post Office moved from Mrs Kettle's much loved Village Store to Goostrey Methodist Church. Thank you to those who came to mark this occasion with Church Members and the Post Master, Jonathan.

We enjoyed a time of good fellowship after the opening, with sandwiches, cakes and drinks supplied by the Church. Thank you especially to all who supported us to make this possible: Chester & Stoke Methodist District, Dane & Trent Methodist Circuit, the Parish Council, a very generous anonymous benefactor, all the professional service providers and of course you, the people of Goostrey.

Revd Yvonne receives a leaving bouquetA Church Family lunch held at the George and Dragon was the occasion for members and friends of Holmes Chapel Church to wish Revd Yvonne and Pete well as Yvonne retires from full time ministry and they move away from Holmes Chapel to live nearer to some of their family.

Thanks were given to Yvonne for her ten years of being superintendent minister in Dane and Trent Circuit. At the lunch, Yvonne and Pete were presented with gifts from Holmes Chapel and Goostrey Methodist Churches.

Holmes Chapel and Goostrey Churches are looking forward to the arrival of their new minister, Revd Anna Carrington who, with her husband and son, will be moving into the village in August.

For more pictures of the occasion, see the Holmes Chapel Photo Gallery.

Helena Todd receives Duke of Edinburgh Gold AwardCongratulations to Helena Todd.

Helena was recently invited (with her mum, Nichola) to Buckingham Palace to receive her Duke of Edinburgh Gold award at an event hosted by Prince Edward. It was a lovely day in the Palace Gardens, and the cupcakes were delicious. (Helena saw Prince Edward but didn’t manage to speak to him).

Helena earned her award by volunteering with the Trinity Brownie Pack for a year, by playing her trumpet, by taking up running, and by going on a 4 day backpacking adventure.

Well done, Helena!

Goostrey sub Post OfficeFollowing the sad closure of the Goostrey village sub-post-office, the community got together to find a way of continuing to provide the service.  The outcome is that a new sub-post-office has been opened on the premisies of Goostrey Methodist Church.

Chester and Stoke on Trent District have published the story of how it came about, as part of their series of 'Inspirational Stories' from around the District.  It is published as a video on the District Facebook page, featuring the church's senior steward. 

Revd Anna Carrington We welcome Revd Anna Carrington who joins Dane and Trent Circuit in September.  Revd Anna will have pastoral responsibility for Holmes Chapel and Goostrey.  She introduces herself as follows:

Hi, my name is Anna Carrington, and I will be joining the Dane and Trent circuit in September as a probationer minister.  I currently live in Farnham, Surrey, with my husband Paul and our 9-year-old son Elishama.

I have been studying at the Queens Foundation in Birmingham for the past 3 years on the part-time programme. This has involved travelling to Birmingham roughly once a month for residential weekends, as well as a week at Easter, and regular Zoom seminars during the week.

Coming up soon . . .

Saturday 8 Feb 7.30pm
Houghton Weavers in Concert at Key Green
Wednesday 19 Feb 7.30pm
Advanced Safeguarding Training (by Zoom)
Saturday 15 Mar 7.30pm
Audley Male Voice Choir Concert at Trinity
Saturday 29 Mar 9.15am
Christian Aid Walk at Tittesworth 2025
Tuesday 8 Apr 7.30pm - Saturday 12 Apr
Trinity Operatic: Into the Woods