Coffee Lounge (Chatterbox)
Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday morning, 10 am - 12 noon; Light refreshments and an opportunity to meet and chat; Please feel free to pop in whenever you fancy.
Stitch & Chat
Meets on Monday afternoons, 2 - 4 pm; Includes tea and biscuits.
Badminton Group
Silver Surfers Badminton meets Wednesday 4.00 - 6.00 pm
Ladies' Club
Monthly, 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 2.00 pm; in the The Hub; See the Trinity Notices for details. Has a varied programme, each meeting having a theme, typically with a visiting speaker.
Book Club
Meets every 2-3 months, usually Tuesdays, at 7.30 pm; Sometimes we choose another day if it suits better! The next date is chosen at the end of each meeting; For dates, see the Trinity Notices or Trinity Events list. Meetings are held in the Westwood House coffee area;
Retired Men's Group
Meets fortnightly on Thursday mornings, 10 - 11.30; Attended by the more senior men; A varied programme, but primarily a forum for discussion of general topics and of local and wider current affairs.
Souper Lunch
Always a choice of two soups and crusty bread – donated by the soup makers – plus tea or coffee. The £4.00 charge is donated to charity. Held on 2nd Wednesday of the month at 12.00, Westwood House.