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Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Below is a copy of the Circuit’s Children’s and Vulnerable Adults safeguarding policy. The Church has signed up to this policy. All groups who use the Church or centre need to sign up to this policy.

If you have a concern please contact either the Minister or to the Church's Safeguarding officer Ruth Pickles or contact the District helpline both numbers are available via the Church office


Biddulph Methodist Church Council

endorses the Circuit Safeguarding Policy and adopts the following Good Practice in order to meet the practical requirements. The Church Council will include Safeguarding on its agenda annually and will ensure that Good Practice is being followed. 

Good Practice

We believe that good practice means that:

      (i)       All people are treated with respect and dignity. 

      (ii)     Those who act on behalf of the church should not meet or work alone with a child or vulnerable

                 adult where the activity cannot be seen unless this is necessary for pastoral reasons, in which

                 case a written note of this will be made and kept noting date, time and place of visit.  The

                 Church Council is responsible for ensuring adequate staff ratios.     

     (iii)     The church premises will be assessed for safety for children and vulnerable adults and the risk

                assessment report will be given annually  to the Church Council in written form.  This will

                include fire safety procedures.  The Church Council will consider the extent to which the

                premises and equipment are suitable or should be made more suitable. 

    (iv)      Any church-organised transport of children or vulnerable adults will be checked to ensure the

                vehicle is suitable and insured and that the driver and escort are appropriate. 

     (v)      Promotion of safeguarding is recognised to include undertaking those tasks which enable all

                God’s people to reach their full potential.  The Church Council will actively consider the extent

                to which it is succeeding in this area.

                These things are to safeguard those working with children, young people and those adults who

                 may be vulnerable.     

Appointment and Training of Workers

Workers will be appointed after a satisfactory CRB disclosure.  Each worker will be expected to undergo basic safeguarding training, within the first year of appointment.  The other traiing needs of each worker will be considered (e.g. food hygiene, first aid, lifting and handling, etc.) and each worker will have an annual review conducted by a named member of the Church Council and another worker within the organisation. 

Pastoral Visitors

In terms of safeguarding, Pastoral Visitors will be supported in their role with the provision of basic safeguarding training upon appointment. 


 Circuit Safeguarding Policy 











































Biddulph Events

Friday 3 May 9.30am
Friday Coffee Morning
Thursday 9 May 2.00pm
Dementia Voices
Tuesday 14 May 2.00pm
Film Club

Coming up soon . . .

Saturday 11 May 10.00am
Prims Heritage Day at Mow Cop
Saturday 11 May 7.00pm
Wellspring Quiz and Supper
Tuesday 14 May 2.30pm
Coffee Shop Book Club, May 2024
Tuesday 14 May 7.30pm
Fashion Show at Wellspring
Sunday 19 May 3.00pm
Mow Cop International Pentecost Gathering.jpg
Saturday 22 Jun
Safari Supper at L Withington
Sunday 23 Jun 3.30pm
Farewell Revd. Yvonne